Technical developments at Böcker
Böcker stands for the highest quality and safety standards in lifting technology for more than half a century now. Our customers’ continuous satisfaction is not least based on the constant development of our products. Our goal is not only to meet, but exceed the needs of people who work with our machines every day. We have more than 30 technical development staff working with great dedication to break new ground and find innovative solutions for our customers.

Innovation lies at the heart of everything we do
To make our cranes and lifts even more safe and efficient as well as to constantly set new standards in terms of usability, we do not only keep a close eye on the requirements of our customers, but also the latest scientific findings and technical achievements. How can we make our machines even lighter and more versatile? How can we design even more friendly user interfaces? Which innovations and modifications make the work our customers perform every day even more agreeable and effective? Our technical development team asks themselves numerous questions and develops creative ideas and solutions every day. True to our corporate philosophy, we always place people – whether it be our customers or our employees – at the centre of everything we do. Team building activities and around-the-table team meetings cater for unbureaucratic communication, the rapid flow of information and transparency. We allow every employee to contribute their thoughts and ideas to the innovation process.